Ross Daly, Kelly Thoma, Mayu Shviro / paufestival 2021
Live Concert: 22/8/2021
Contemporary Modal Music
Ross Daly: lyra, saz, tarhou, rabab, Kelly Thoma: lyra, Mayu Shviro: cello Συρτός της Θάλασσας, Syrtos of the Sea: 2:25 - 11:12 Χιτζάζ Άσιραν Ταξίμι & Σαζ Σεμαϊ, Hicaz Aşiran Taksim & Saz Semâi 11:30 - 23:27 Αϊλίν, Aylin: 25:00 - 35:50 Σιμούργ, Simurgh 36:30 - 47:22 Σκιά, Shade: 47:24 - 54:18 Αζέρι, Azeri: 54:47 - 1:02:10 Ακυέλ, Akyel 1:02:11 - 1:07:00 Επιστροφή, Epistrofi: 1:07:57 - 1:12:50 Ακαλύφα, Acalypha: 1:15:50 - 1:23:03
All compositions are by Ross Daly except for Azeri which is by the great Turkish bağlama virtuoso Talip Özkan (1939-2010).
Ross Daly, Kelly Thoma, and Mayu Shviro, together comprise a quite unique and unusual trio. A central element of their sound is the interaction between their instruments with special emphasis on the bowed instruments. The lyra which is played here by Ross Daly and Kelly Thoma, in its traditional context, usually functions as a solo instrument and rarely do we encounter two of them playing together. Together with the two lyras is the sound of Mayu Shviro’s cello, an instrument usually associated with classical ensembles, but which, due to the considerable versatility of the instrument as well as of Mayu herself, coexists in perfect harmony with the lyras expanding significantly the tonal palette of the ensemble.